Category Archive: In English

Meelis Kitsing – Pluralist v. Rationalist Liberalism


This blog post is a summary of my talk at the Mises Circle Tallinn and is based on the term paper that I wrote for liberalism course at Harvard University in 2004, which… Jätka lugemist

Seminar: Estonia and US in financial crisis – what can we learn?


This Thursday, April 11th Mises Institute Estonia hosts a seminar which will focus on the mistakes made in economic policy that brought about the housing bubble and the crash in US and many… Jätka lugemist

Estonia on strike!


Over the last few years Estonia has become a sort of role model for financial conservatives on how to behave in a recession. Almost every prominent politician who is in favour of cutting… Jätka lugemist

Long-term political agreements over ad hoc policy


A recent Mises Daily article by Frank Shostak at covers the road Estonia has taken since the economic bubble burst a few years back. The core statement in the piece is how a… Jätka lugemist

We live in a ban economy


Estonia’s biggest daily newspaper Postimees published yesterday (July 24th 2012) my opinion piece Me elame keelumajanduses (We Live in a Ban Economy). Here is its translation by author. Mikk Salu’s recent article about… Jätka lugemist

Dan Mitchell – Estonia Should Ignore Paul Krugman and Become the Hong Kong of Europe


Täna avaldati Äripäevas Cato Instituudi vanemteaduri Dan Mithcelli artikkel sellest, kuidas Eestil oleks mõistlik jäljendada Aasia tiigrite Singapuri ja Hongkongi eeskuju. Viimased on juba pikka aega kogenud püsivat tugevat kasvu. Osa sellest kasust… Jätka lugemist

Meanwhile in Estonia


Also published on a french blog In Eco Veritas: Le succès des réformes économiques en Estonie It was about four years ago when the Estonian economy started to show signs of slowing down… Jätka lugemist

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